Week6 Just do it or Just remember it?

When we talk about the sport’s advertising tagline, most people will think of Nike’s slogon at first time, Just do it.

Why you just remember Nike , not Puma or Converse?

By tumblr.com
By tumblr.com

I think not only the brand’s spirit but also the tagline. Nike uses the three simple words to express their idea in the advertising, you just do it, and you just buy it. As Barry (2012) said “The tagline has a very important function within the development of a campaign”. That is the reason why we remember Nike.

So what is a tagline? How is affect to the brand? A tagline is a clear statement of brand position, a phrase or sentence used to capture attention and communicate value.

In the advertising market, a right tagline not only brings the direct benefits for the company but also expresses the brand’s idea to the audiences. Moreover, the right tagline can be used by brand for many years.

For example, the tagline from SUBWAY, “ East Fresh”. SUBWAY is an American fast food, and the aim of SUBWAY is bringing fresh, healthy and nutritional food to people. In their tagline “ Eat Fresh”, it uses two simple words to express theri goal. In this way,  people could easy remember the brand’s character “Fresh” and “Fresh”. “Eat Fresh”  not only is a tagline but also express what they want to tell us.

I think a great tagline is a powerful tool that can help consumers, suppliers, and other interested audiences link your company.

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